Hey guys,
Here is a review a kind reader named Cris has sent in with lots of details pics for the site http://www.fabulousaaa.com. The website is run by Joy who is a very well known replica seller. I personally have not ordered from them because I can see certain quality flaws in some of the pieces, but just wanted to share this review for anyone else out there interested in shopping with them. Thanks for the review Cris and if anyone else has a review for any site feel free to email it in with pics to thepursequeen@hotmail.com

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to subscribe to The Purse Queen blog by emailing me at thepursequeen@hotmail.com! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!
Thank you for this review. After reading it I immediately went to fabulousaaa.com to check out the website. They have a long list of designers and a variety of handbags. What i like most about the site was that customers could leave reviews on the individual item. So as you click on the item you can read reviews. The reviews that were left seemed pretty honest. They werent all fake positive reviews like pursevalley.co I decided to email faaab because i had a couple of questions. Joy responded back to me in more than a timely manner. After a few emails i decided to make a purchase. I ordered the louis vuitton damier ebene trevi pm bag and a fendi min zucca logo jacquard flap bag. My total for the bags was $199.00 plus$55 for shipping. Prices are cheaper than most sites ive seen, but joy assured that the quality is high. When i recieve they bags i will email bella with an update and review. Keep your fingers crossed with me. I hope that i am satisfiec with these bags, i do not want to waste any more money on replica bags. Hopefully faab will be a site where i will be a repeat customer!!!
So about 2 years ago my girlfriend came across this website which she claimed sold top AAA quality handbags. I was a little iffy about ordering online as I am a very big skeptic. She assured me that a friend of hers who owns real LV’s and Chanel purses had purchased bags off of that website and they were mirror images so I had nothing to lose. So after debating it for awhile we both ended up ordering them. I ordered an LV multicolor speedy 30 & she ordered a Chanel one (unfortunately I do not remember what style). We waited and waited and finally it arrived. Now her purse was NOT a mirror image. The bag was shaped differently than the original one, the strap that came with her bag broke off a week into the use and the leather wasn’t that great, so she ended up throwing her money down the drain and discarding the purse. My Louise, on the other hand, was very good quality leather, handles did take awhile to oxidize (I only bought it for occasional clubbing/lounging use so that’s why it took forever) and the interior was pretty good. It came with an authenticity card and dust bag. HOWEVER, the idiots that had packaged the bag had put my keys to the front pocket lock INSIDE the locked pocket, so stupid me tried to rip it open in my excitement and ended up breaking the lock. So now that little pocket NEVER closes, it’s just left open 24/7 like a local 7/11 LOL. The other downside was that the two LV logos on each side of the little front pocket were FADED, which instantly gave it away to the untrained eye. I have tied a little scarf on the front handle to give it a “chic” look, but in all honesty, I’m just trying to cover the damn faded logo. But other than those two annoying factors, all in all, the purse is very good quality and over time, I started loving it. The hardware on each side of the purse did not rust & the leather was amazingly soft. I had completely forgotten the name of that website over time, but when I recently came across this blog, I recognized the site and it was FABAAA!!!! I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to replicas, as I don’t own any of the real bags or any fake bags, but lately, I’ve been obsessed and was looking to order from PurseValley, which I AM GLAD I DIDN’T. Designerdiscreet seems good, except for that one comment that even though the same style, not all the bags match the same quality. Not sure if I should take a risk with FABAAA again :/ I am going to send Angie pictures of my bag and let her and you folks be the judge. Cheers, BaBaTee.
Hello everyone, do you know Damier Graphite would come with mirror image replica but epi replica doesn’t? There are only basic AAA replicas for epi leather in Baiyun World Leather Market. However, if you think your epi replica is close to real, good luck.
Hi everyone this Kaylie, I just found this blog and its been the most help I’ve had about replicas. After searching for the last 2 weeks I I am down to fabulous AAA and charmingsbelongings.com Please let me know which you would think is best. Charming is more expensive the pictures seems high quality but fabulous has more reviews and the price is cut down to help!
Hi guys its EJ I am still wating for my order that I purchasex from fabolousaaa.com. I also endedup placing another order while waiting. I have been waiting for about a month for the first order it was shipped to me and got returned back to them by chinese customs and had ro be reshipper. I placed the second order around the 15th of dec. Joy from fabolousaaa.com communicated with me thru the whole process and ensured me that the items would be delievered and that shipping could sometimes be slow especially during the holidays. I checked tracking today and both packagea cleared customs and have arrived to my state so i should recieve them this week. I will be sure to email bella pics and return with a full review on my items.
Very much looking forward to your review! Tell me about the smell of the goods as they come out of the box. Is there a chemical smell or a nice, rich leather smell? Thanks!
The chemical smell will go away and it will be replaced by a very nice leather smell. I bought my neverfull bags, monogram and damier from joy. It was not love at first sight for the monogram because there is a scuff in the handle and the trim around the mouth of the bag was connected at both edges of the bag. I was heartbroken because it is my first replica purchase.however my consolation was when i dilligently rubbed the trim and straps with olive oil it started to patina and i can’t wait for it to turn honey colored like the authentic one.
Hello, I am looking for my first replica bag . I want a good quality LV damier ebene speedy 35. Which site would you recommend? Fabulousaaa or DD? Thank you!
Can you post email of this company now that their website is shut down??