From the timeless Chanel 2.55 flap all the way to the modern day Lego clutch, Coco’s famous fashion house has certainly not let us handbag buyers (and lovers) without choice. In fact it can be almost overwhelming to pick a single Chanel handbag, as I have personally always been left wanting 2 or 3 at the same time (I am sure others have been in the same boat as me). I believe in order to help narrow down your selections it truly helps to have a basic sense about the story behind each specific design’s style and function. In this post I will outline some basic descriptions of each type of Chanel handbag and highlight what to look for when shopping for one online (whether it be replica, new, or used). This post will be updated as new information is gained! 🙂
The Classic Chanel’s:
2.55 Flap Bag: This is one of the most well-known Chanel designs and oozes the simple elegance Coco’s brand is known for! It comes in 5 different sizes (Mini, Small, Medium, Jumbo, and Maxi) leaving you as a buyer in a position to truly think about how big you want it to be. They include:

One thing to keep in mind when searching for a Chanel replica is to make sure the measurements of the handbag you are eying are indeed the same as the authentic! There is nothing that screams “fake” more than an inappropriately sized Chanel yet so many replica handbag shoppers seem to fail to notice this point. So please ladies and gents make sure to pay attention to dimensions, regardless of the brand you are shopping for! Also be realistic about the use you will get out of the size you are looking to purchase. Not every girl needs a Maxi, while at the same time not every girl can fit all they need into a Mini.
Boy Flap Bag: Boy, oh boy is there much to say about this handbag! I love the tomboy-ish feel it gives to any girl carrying it while still maintaining the chicness of Chanel. One important thing to remember is that this bag features a unique front clasp closure either in a giant CC or push lock button and thick chain link strap.

I don’t know about you, but I love this color of the Boy handbag. Truly a must have!
The most important thing to remember when replica shopping for a Chanel Boy flap handbag is to not choose a color which is not part of the official collection. As well all know the replica manufacturers like to put their own spin on things sometimes which includes producing handbags in colors which were never a part of the authentic designer’s collection. Colors which belong to the official collection include: flat red, deep black, intense grey, lead green, and clean ivory in glazed calfskin, yellow, black and white, grey and black. If you go outside of these colors the chance of your handbag being spotted as a fake increases tenfold – if not twenty. So please ladies and gents pay attention to these details especially since Chanel replicas can be some of the most expensive a person can invest in!
Chanel Grand Shopping Tote: This tote is a signature look of Chanels and no girl (or guy) can go wrong carrying this handbag as it compliments and is truly a stand out piece that every true Chanel lover needs to own. The handles of this handbag have double chains and there is the classic CC logo sewn onto the handbag. Black is the most popular and prominent color this handbag is featured in however it has been produced in other colors as well.

The are several types of leather grains and styles which are used to create this style as well including caviar, lambskin, patent, and even some metallics! The current retail price of a Chanel Grand Shopping Tote is around $2,900 at a Chanel boutique however a replica will cost you much less depending on the quality/accuracy of the one you are planning to purchase.
Do you recommend any sites for buying used Chanels.
or also replica Chanels that are as good as the originals
REplicas are illegal ladies.
Where can I buy the best REPLICA CHANEL.BLACK DOUBLE FLAP MEDIUM.. names of sellers that post to Ireland avoiding customs?? Names of websites or sellers appreciated