So I purchased from REP-A-PORTER after they relaunched since I always heard good things about their Prada bags. What do I think of the bag now that it is here? It is actually a pretty good replica. The leather feels good, and the inside of the bag is nicely done as well. I remember reading somewhere that you can judge a replica handbag by its interior quality. I agree with this statement since every replica handbag I have purchased which turned out to be a piece of c-r-a-p looked disgusting inside. But every decent replica I have bought has had an interior which matches the exterior’s quality. Take a look at the pictures below and let me know what you think.
The customer service of REP-A-PORTER was better than other replica sites I have dealt with since they at least knew English. I had to pay with Western Union which I have gotten used to now that I have bought over 3 replica handbags. I think you just really have to know where you are shopping. After owning both real handbags and replicas I have to say that finding a good replica is like hitting a small lottery win since you know how much you have saved from the authentic. Here is a link to their website:

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to subscribe to The Purse Queen blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!
hello! did you buy aaaaa+ or added an additional $150 for original leather?
Hey‚ I am also very curious about which option you chose? aaaaa+ or 150Dollars? Thanks!
Hi guys I chose the original leather option. I figured go big or go home.
Hi! Do you know if a 13-inch Macbook Air would fit in this bag? Is the length of the bag >13 inches?
Whenever I try to get to the repaporter website, I am unsuccessful. Does anyone know if their website changed
Does anybody know reporters email address?
Hi, has anyone been able to get hold of repaporter?
Hello, I would really love to have repaporters new website address or email‚ Thank you and Happy New Year !!!
can i get repaporter email
never buy from i sent them money and i didnt get anything and they r not replying the emails.
I’ve had the same problem! Can’t bellievec CC is doing this to people when they have been excellent in the past. Replied to emails and I’ve received great bags! I was hoping it was just a mistake as the website got shut down but if it’s happening to other people aswell could be a scam.
Purse Queen can you please update this great blog and provide the current websites/emails for suppliers?Thanks!
They got busted in their factory guys that is why “ I also did not get my stuff, but did get an email from a Chanel lawyer when I tried to contact them stating they were shut down because they were too popular – really sucks. I hear C****L is really cracking down now on all the suppliers make it so hard to find any replicas.
Thanks for letting us know Mel! I did think it strange how I wasn’t getting any response to my emails as CC have been so good with my past purchases. Hopefully they’ll be up and running again soon.. do you ladies know what happened to Bella from the blog got shut down. She was amazing. I found out of all these suppliers from her blog.