I have compiled pictures to compare my replica Louis Vuitton Totally MM bag in monogram canvas to an original (albeit used) for resale on Fashionphile. I purchased my handbag for approximately $279 USD with free shipping included (from Designer Discreet) over 2 years ago while the handbag on Fashionophile is listed for resale at $1,150 USD. The bag’s condition is listed as:
Item Condition: Preowned – Very Good
Exterior: patina of vachetta, wear on piping trim, light corner wear, light surface wear
Handle: patina, surface wear, small marks, light water marks, light scratches
Interior: small minor marks on main section, ink marks and wear in side panel pockets
Hardware: scratches
I have really used and abused my replica Totally MM bag as I have taken it on several vacations where it has primarily served as a beach bag and has bared more than its fare share of the brunt of my travels (I am not sure about you guys but I tend to be very careless on vacations and so I never take any authentic purses with me!). Anyways the bag has held up very well considering all of the abuse it has gone through under my care and the patina has shaped out quite nicely as well. I hope this post helps those who are looking to buy an authentic purse avoid getting a fake in its place as we all know Ebay and the online world are generally quite notorious for that, and even our most favorite of consignment shops can slip in a fake here or there (these services are run by humans after all)! Take a look at the photographs before to picture the differences between the authentic vs. replica Louis Vuitton Totally MM, and let me know whether you’d go fake or real in the comments below for this particular Louis Vuitton! I would personally go for the fake as the differences are really nonexistent between the two as shown by the photos!

This is the Fashionphile listing for the authentic purse. The handbag is selling for $1,150 USD + free domestic shipping within the United States. The bag is alright overall in terms of condition based on the photographs but definitely looks used

Starting with a sideshot of the handbag the differences are not very pronounced between the two. The only key difference that shows through some replicas is the stitching which is not to bad on this replica bag.

The bottoms of both the bags are identical except for which pattern falls to the centre where the stitch occurs. This is where the size difference’s importance comes in as the bag on the right (the authentic) is a PM which is a smaller size so the stitch pattern falls at a different placed. If you take a look at the authentic Totally MM I have pictured below the comparison photo you will notice that the alignment is the same as the replica as both have the Logo cut through and the stitch occur between the two.

The tags of both the replica bag and the authentic bag are not too far off. Louis Vuitton’s fonts have been known to variate slightly throughout the years so the two are quite comparable. The color of the thread on the tag of the authentic purse (pictured right) is less vibrant and more dull compared to the replica and the stitching is a bit more well done I will say. In person however this difference is quite negligible as I have walked into the Louis Vuitton store many times with my replica handbag on pictured on the left.

Last but not leas is the interior of both handbags which is virtually the same (the lighting variance on both photos may make both look a bit different but I have compared the interior to my authentic Louis Vuitton handbags and it is not too far off.
Overall the canvas of the handbags are the same which I will say is one of the most important qualities you should be on the watch for if you are looking to purchase a replica Louis Vuitton bag as it is the biggest giveaway. If the replica manufacturers improve the stitching of the bag to a finer degree I personally believe it will be extremely difficult to tell between the two purses at all as that I will say is what can really separate the two when it comes to the nitty gritty details. Other than that however it is very hard for the average Joe or Jane to decipher between the two! Once again let me know what you think in the comments below!
If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to subscribe to The Purse Queen blog by emailing me at thepursequeen@hotmail.com! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!