So I very recently purchased a Burberry replica handbag or tote which I am in love with. Burberry is one brand which I personally at least cannot justify buying a real purse from. Especially after I watched this documentary on Youtube in which it showed Burberry deciding to move their production from the UK (where they originated from – they are a British brand for those of you who don’t know) to South Asia. As a business decision this makes a lot of sense as the owners of the company can now make their bags for dirt cheap and enjoy maximum markups. However for the heritage of the brand and in terms of the luxury radar it was a big mistake. Why would anyone in their right mind pay full price for a Burberry purse when you can buy a knockoff made in the same country, and most likely in the same factory for a much lower price? At least companies like Louis Vuitton, Chanel etc. assemble their handbags in Europe to give it that feeling of lux (even though many of their parts come from China as well!). I feel like when I look at the label of a purse and it says “made in China” when I pay over a thousand dollars for it, I have been ripped off in a sense. I personally support true artisanal craft especially when it comes to leather and purses, for which I am weak at the knees, but Burberry has definitely dropped the ball when it comes to the whole luxury factor surrounding their brand. I still can’t get over the part in the video where all the British Burberry craftsmen were worried about remaining unemployed for the rest of their lives after the factory was due to close.
Anyways, due to those reasons and more I will personally NEVER be able to justify purchasing an authentic Burberry handbag, or anything else for that matter! I personally purchased a gorgeous tote with the renowned Haymarket print (for which Burberry actually lost a trademark suit for meaning anyone can use that checkered print they are renowned for – another negative for their luxury image) and am very impressed by the replica bag I have purchased! The bag is more than gorgeous and if you peruse the pictures below you will definitely see why. The canvas weight of the bag is nice and heavy like the authentic pieces (I actually do have 1 authentic vintage Burberry crossbody that was my mom’s and she handed it down to me, so I compared the weight of the two). The finishing are also real leather indicating that the bag is truly a counter quality or superfake model as opposed to the lower quality of fakes which use plastic to finish off the trimmings to reduce costs. Take a look and let me know what you think in the comments below!

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to subscribe to The Purse Queen blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!
Can you please let us know the supplier details so we can purchase these beautiful bags as well??
heyyy, what site did you get this bag from pleaseeee!! DD doesnt carry burberry
Also interested in where you purchased this, I am looking for a replica Burberry and it looks like designer discreet does not have them on their new website. Your blog is great btw!
Hi! The bag looks amazing. Congrats! Can you please give me the supplier details? Also, I was wondering if you know of any good Channel replicas? :))
Hi! I am also looking for a Burburry. I would love Medium Orchard in Horseferry check. Any advise?
Amazing blog and amazing bag. Where did u buy this replica Burberry from? Any link to their website
What site did you purchase this bag from?
Omg where can I buy this bag and for how much? I can never find replica purses!
did anyone get an answer on where the queen purchased the replica purses? they are beautiful!
You have great experience in buying reica goods and authentic and you blog could be great if only you can share a bit of your knowledge. I feel that we are begging you to give us a clue with no answers. You are not obliged but it would be nice. Thank you.
Where did u buy this back from? I want one too.
Gorgeous! I know this is a long shot but I’m on the hunt for a Burberry Little Crush bag. Do you share the seller info or no? If so, i would love to know!
Did anyone get a response on where we can buy this bag?
I bought it from Counterlux ladies sorry for such a late response as I wasn’t receiving any notifications from this post oddly!
I bought it from Counterlux ladies sorry for such a late response I wasn’t receiving any notifications from this post oddly!
I bought it from Counterlux ladies sorry for such a late response as I wasn’t receiving any notifications from this post oddly!
I bought it from Counterlux ladies sorry for such a late response as I wasn’t receiving any notifications from this post oddly!
I bought it from Counterlux ladies sorry for such a late response I wasn’t receiving any notifications from this post oddly!
I bought it from Counterlux ladies sorry for such a late response as I wasn’t receiving any notifications from this post oddly!
I bought it from Counterlux ladies sorry for such a late response I wasn’t receiving any notifications from this post oddly!
I bought it from Counterlux ladies sorry for such a late response as I wasn’t receiving any notifications from this post oddly!
I bought it from Counterlux ladies sorry for such a late response as I wasn’t receiving any notifications from this post oddly!
Counterlux seem to have vanished, do you know the name the are now trading with. These companies do not stay long enough for us to enjoy their product . I look forward to hearing from you
Counterlux??? They don’t exist :-(?
please someone tell me what counterlux is named under now. Or did they shut down the whole site?
I want one!
Hi, I am looking for a good quality Burberry Banner Graffiti. Wondering if there is such a thing and where I could buy it? thanxxxx
Any way you can link the Counterlux ladies website so I can order one for my mom for mothers day?
You’re an ignorant thing!!! ‘Queany!