Louis Vuitton is arguably the most copied bag in the world meaning there are many replica Louis Vuitton bags out there! This makes it even more challenging however when you are thinking of buying a knockoff as it means you have your work cut out for you in terms of finding a good replica Louis Vuitton. In this article I will compare and review a replica Louis Vuitton Damier Azur Totally to an authentic Louis Vuitton Damier Azur going over key tips to guide when you are shopping online! Take a look at the photo above! Can you spot the fake right off the bat or did it take you a few moments to compare the two? It can be really tough for buyers to decipher between real and fake nowadays due to the improving standards of replica bag manufacturers. If the first thing you looked at were the handles of the bag and noticed a color difference, do not let yourself be fully thrown off! The handles on the bag pictured on the left side have been patina’d which means they have oxidized due to exposure.
Louis Vuitton handbags are made with cowhide trimmings which naturally patina over time, giving the handles a darker look. When you buy a brand new Louis Vuitton (real or fake) it should look like the bag on the right where the handles are very light and untampered with. If you buy a used bag you can expect the handbag to have a patina’d handle(s), and if it doesn’t that is a warning sign that is a) fake, and b) a really bad fake. Anyways back to the initial question: could you tell which bag was the knockoff? If you guessed the bag on the left with the darker handles you are wrong, and if you guessed the bag on the right with the lighter handles you are right! Let’s take a look into the differences between the two bags. One note I would like to make is that the handbag pictured on the right is one of the best Louis Vuitton replicas available out there, and so if you are looking for one this would be as close to the real deal as you can get without buying an authentic handbag.

Louis Vuitton handbags are made with cowhide trimmings which naturally patina over time, giving the handles a darker look. When you buy a brand new Louis Vuitton (real or fake) it should look like the bag on the right where the handles are very light and untampered with. If you buy a used bag you can expect the handbag to have a patina’d handle(s), and if it doesn’t that is a warning sign that is a) fake, and b) a really bad fake. Anyways back to the initial question: could you tell which bag was the knockoff? If you guessed the bag on the left with the darker handles you are wrong, and if you guessed the bag on the right with the lighter handles you are right! Let’s take a look into the differences between the two bags. One note I would like to make is that the handbag pictured on the right is one of the best Louis Vuitton replicas available out there, and so if you are looking for one this would be as close to the real deal as you can get without buying an authentic handbag.

A side view of both handbags once again showing no noticeable difference between the two handbags. The handles of the used authentic bag are a bit more stretched out and worn out compared to the replica handbag on the right.

Once again the biggest difference I would say Louis Vuitton replica handbags have from their authentic counterparts is the stitching quality. If you take a look on the bag on the left it is just a bit more well done than that of the one on the right which is not sewn in as deep. Other than that the tags are generally comparable.

The interior of both of the handbags are shown here. The light was a bit dark when I was trying to photograph the replica LV so sorry about that folks. You still get a general idea though and the interiors are fairly comparable. The interiors of replica handbags are one thing which I don’t usually sweat about as long as it is a quality interior and good enough to hold my stuff. However if something is off here or there it does not really matter in comparison to the total design so I would suggest you don’t sweat about it either!
Let me know what you think of the Totally replica bag in the comments below. Was a good fake or was it easy for you to spot?
If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to subscribe to The Purse Queen blog by emailing me at thepursequeen@hotmail.com! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!