Hey guys in this post I will be reviewing my replica Louis Vuitton Noe BB handbag. I purchased the purse in Damier Azur for my summer vacation last year when I visited both Europe and Turkey and thought it would be the perfect go to bag when I was visiting the various tourist destinations because of its small size. Anyways unfortunately I damaged the bottom of my bag by spilling my skin toner bottle on the inside which leaked to the bottom of the bag and damaged the cowhide trimmings.The funniest story I actually ever heard about a damaged bag (although many might argue it is cringeworthy) was from a blog reader that told me that her dog chewed up her Louis Vuitton which was actually authentic – that must have been a definite ouch in the wallet and heart! However I think that once the bag patinas out it will look half decent again as once the color is darker on the trimmings it will be hard to notice the damage at all! The bag was a really good replica I would say as the canvas quality and leather cowhide trimmings were both of the original quality.
How could I tell this? You can feel a good weight to the canvas on authentic Louis Vuitton bags, and many replicas do not have this heaviness but instead are super light and flimsy. This is the difference between a good and bad replica. Another sign of a good replica is that the bag kind of keeps it’s form on its own and does not simply down right away once you place the handbag down. Most replicas do not keep their form, so you have to know what to shop for online or in person (which is obviously easier) to look for a good knockoff. Anyways aside from the stain the quality of the bag is actually pretty good!
One thing which I noticed on this bag that most Louis Vuitton replica handbags lack is the accuracy of the trimmings. A lot of Louis Vuitton replica bags have a red lacquer which is more of a bright red used to finish off the edges. Louis Vuitton used to use this finish back in the day so it is not deadly to buy a replica bag with this kind of trimming, but it is always nicer to have the latest method of production used on your bag. What Louis Vuitton does now is use more of a matte brown seal on the sides of the cowhide trimmings for the handles and you can see in the pictures below that the Noe I am reviewing does indeed have the dull brown trimmings as opposed to the red.
Overall aside from the damage I inflicted upon the handbag myself, I would rate the bag a 9/10 on the replica scale as it has all the key details down, and the stitching is well done without the bright yellow look of many Louis Vuitton replica threads. A tip for anyone with a damaged Louis Vuitton bag similar to mine is to use olive oil on the trimmings and then place the bag out in the sun to help the patina process speed up a bit. I will try this trick myself and post updated photos once the look of the bag improves a bit! Let me know what you think of the bag in the comments below and whether you have personally ruined any of your Louis Vuitton or designer handbags (real or fake).

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to subscribe to The Purse Queen blog by emailing me at thepursequeen@hotmail.com! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!
Such a cute bag! Love the Noe except I would get the bigger size.
Thank god you didn’t pay for an authentic otherwise that would have been a waste of a thousand dollars!
hey, can you e-mail me designer discreets e-mail? the one i have isn’t working
I damaged one of my Louis as well believe it or not and it was authentic, it actually looked a lot like yours but the patina helped it fade over time so your bag should be fine too. Love the noe btw
Hello,Your bag looks great!! May I ask where you purchase this bag from? Thank you
Hi I had just discovered your blog and I love it. Your noe bag Is beautiful could you tell me where did you buy it? On counterluxury.com or in designer-discreet.cn?
Thank youu
Love it. Where can I purchase from. Thank you