This post will be dedicated to mentioning all the things you should look for in a replica Balenciaga handbag before purchasing it in order to ensure it truly is as good as the real thing.

So beautiful… how I love Balenciaga! What do you think of this replica?
The Zippers:
Although this may seem like such a small feature of a handbag it is actually one which you must really pay attention to in order to make sure the replica is reflective of a real balenciaga handbag. Balenciaga uses zippers created by Lampo. Usually fake handbags come with zippers engraved with the capitalized word Lampo – these are clearly fake. Good Balenciaga replicas should have Lampo zippers which have the word Lampo written in a slanted or italics font. In addition to this the “L” from Lampo must extend to the end of the word. A trademark symbol should also appear beside the world Lampo. Usually when my friends show off their replica Balenciaga’s to me I take a look at the zippers first. If the replica artists have paid attention to the zippers it is a sign that they have an eye for detail and will follow through with other finer or subtle details on the rest of the handbag.

The Leather:
Leather oh leather. This is the most visible part of your handbag so clearly it is a big point to consider when purchasing a replica. Authentic Balenciaga uses either goatskin or lambskin leather depending on which collection a specific handbag is from. The leather is very soft and feels quite smooth and carefree in your hands. It is almost silky in a sense. Authentic Balenciaga leather also has a shine which is not overpowering (as many of the fakes are) but at the same time noticeable. Its leather is distressed but not over the top cracked out. The tassels attached to the handbag should be equally as soft. The leather of a Balenciaga plays a big part in creating its elegance which is why it is important to pay attention to this when you are shopping around for a replica.
A lot of replicas unforutnately are overly cracked out and overly shiny. This completely takes away from the beauty of the Balenciaga and trust me girlfriend will be noticeable from a mile away to a true fashionista. I think that replicas don’t offend companies like Balenciaga when done properly but when it is horrible its completely misrepresents their product.
So check with any site you are thinking of buying from to make sure the materials they use are the same as the authentic and if they aren’t DO NOT BUY. Your bag will look tacky and spotted as a fake from a mile away.

Another more minute yet equally important feature of a Balenciaga.If the end of the straps are folded over this is an immediate sign that the Balenciaga is fake. Fake Balenciaga handbags usually have a more squared off bale.
The Handles:
Finallyone last key part of a Balenciaga I would like to discuss with my fellow shopping peers. The handles of an authentic Balenciaga should not have a finished or coated look. The Balenciaga should have handles which are weaved, or braided with leather. Balenciaga themselves call it “sueded leather”, which has a raw appearance to it and looks more like rope or a shoelace. This is a detail fakes often miss unfortunately.

You should really pay attention to all these details if you want to find a replica handbag which truly reflects the edgy yet chic personality of a Balenciaga handbag.
Also I will be posting guides for Celine replica buying, Louis Vuitton replica buying etc. in the near future! We should aim as shoppers to buy what I call “authentic replica designer handbags” which means they have every part of an authentic bag with the price tag being the only key difference if you know what I mean.
If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to subscribe to The Purse Queen blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!
I really have been looking for a guide like this all over the net and am so glad to have found one. Thank you for all of your great advice.
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Thank you for this site!
thank you for your effort!
Great guide thanks for all your hard work on your site. It has really helped me avoid being ripped off by scam sites and also given a reassurance before I have purchased from some of the sites you recommended. You have a lot of knowledge about these brands. I think Balenciaga should hire you
hi i need help i got a bag today and it was made before 2005 balenciaga_paris bag today and would like to no if real or fake