Hi guys! I am not sure if you have already seen my review on the Neverfull Damier Azur I ordered in an MM size but I had a bit of a Louis Vuitton replica haul this month (I mean who can resist when you get so many bags for the price of one authentic model?) so I wanted to also share a review of my gorgeous Artsy MM I also received. In case you don’t know the sizing code for LV the MM refers to the medium size usually in a particular model, just the PM usually represents the small size and the GM the larger size. The bag is a counter quality replica which I have spoken the importance of many times to look for when shopping for replica bags as this is what the sellers use to refer to the highest quality of bags which exist on the market! The Artsy is a really fun bag which has a bit of a slouch to it when you carry (as you can see in the photo above where the bag is being carried). I have always wanted the Artsy because I think it is so easy to both dress down and up, and I always love having versatile pieces in my wardrobe – whether it be clothing or accessories!
I am truly in love with this Louis Vuitton replica, and love love love the braided portion at the top of the bag which the replica manufacturer (DD) got right in terms of detail, since I think on the Artsy the easiest thing to mess up is the braid on the top handle of the bag which would make the replica look completely awkward if it were done wrong! My replica also came with a suede interior lining which is awesome and is genuine suede to touch which is another sign of a high quality replica (as opposed to much of the cheap stuff you see for sale online usually). Take a look at the photos I have added below (sorry I forgot to remove the protective plastic but I just like to keep it on until I actually use the bag for the first time!) and let me know what you think of my purchase in the comments below.

I love the Artsy it is such a cute bag. I ordered one from DD and hope it comes out just as beautiful!!!
Need to add this one to my collection next. At least buying replica keeps them affordable.
Hi can you please share DDs seller information at hazelrivera32@gmail.com
It is http://www.designer-discreet.cn they have been good with my last few purchases so I’d recommend them!
Has anyone ever bought from Sandy? How is the quality?
i ordered from DD but they never got back to me regarding payment options!!! any tips?
It probably went to their junk cause that happened to me too, but the second time I wrote they got back really quick so maybe you can try again.
i hope so! did u order from the US?
Very nice and authentic looking bag. How was the stitching? Was the canvas soft to touch like the authentic? I would really appreciate your feedback.
Hi Rai it is actually very soft to touch! If you own authentic LV (I have few authentic pieces as well) you will feel no difference.
Thank you so much! I bought a LV speedy monogram from Purse Valley. The canvas felt stiff and rubberized and the stitching on the leather was horrible and inconsistent. I basically wasted my money because it looks to fake to pass off as the real thing, I really wish I would have came across your blog before I made that monstrosity of a purchase. I plan on making a purchase from the website you recommended. Thanks again!
What website did u get your replica from? Please I would to purchase one
Just ordered from DD and haven’t received a confirmation email yet. Anyone experience this?
DD take their sweet time replying, I’ve waited 10 days for a reply and had to send another message to them. Quality of handbags are exceptional however their customer service kinda sucks but we have to suck it up as no competitor even comes close to their handbags. annoying!
Make sure your emails aren’t going to their junk. That’s usually what happens to mine “ they need a better email system! But I agree that their purses are to die for.
Can you please tell me which website you got your Artsy from? Thank you!
Can you please tell me which website you got your LV GM?Thank u
Pursequeen where did you buy this bag? Thanks !
Hi Isadora were you happy with the quality of your artsy I’m thinking about ordering one ! But not sure !
Thanks so much for your review. I have been eyeing this bag for years, but didn’t want to spend the money on the real thing and was afraid to order a replica.
So happy I stumbled onto your blog. I think I will take the plunge and try and order the Artsy from DD.
Fingers crossed. Keep up the great work on the blog!
Hi pursequeen im trying to figure out the website to order the purse you are reviewing in this article.
the hardware on it is a dead giveaway 🙁 Ive yet to see a replica artsy bag with the right hard ware on the outside (the parts that say louis vuitton) everything else on it looks pretty good but I guess its hard to find the hardware that looks legit for this bag
How long does it take for designer discreet to get an US wire and respond with a confirmation? I sent the wire over a week ago and can’t them to respond to me.
I sent mine WU! I corresponded with Emily on WeChat. I sent her the info in which I had sent, and it was picked up the next day. From the day I sent the money WU, to the day I received my order was 2 weeks! I recommend that you follow them on WeChat and not rely on email
Did the bag patina like shown here: http://pursefiend.com/the-louis-vuitton-patina-process/
Hi, I wanted to know if the color of the straps were correct. I find that a common thing with fakes is the lining color. The awful deep red is a complete give away. How well is yours? I found an amazing fake in Thailand but my boyfriend broke it when I came back to the states :/ Thanks for your feedback.
I feel the same. I did find one when I was in Thailand but my boyfriend broke it. :/ Ugh. Wish I can find this bag that looks real! I find the the red seam lining is always a dead give away on any Louis Vuitton bag.
Do you have the empreinte artsy mm in noir/black?