There are plenty of bad reviews here on the blog, especially when you take a peek at the scam sellers warning page, and it’s actually been quite some time since I’ve heard of anyone trying to purchase a replica bag from this site. I was really relieved to see people stop shopping with them.
However I recently received this review, and just like I expected, nothing has changed here. It’s not only Céline replica bags from iOffer that you should avoid shopping for, but all replica handbag brands in general. And I’d rather repeat myself to help spare a poor soul who may fall into iOffer’s trap, even at the risk of sounding redundant.
So, just to make it clear once again: if you’re looking for quality, iOffer is not the place to find it. On their website you can’t really be sure of anything as: 1) you don’t know if the seller’s reviews are real, 2) you don’t know what you’re going to receive, and 3) you don’t know if returning the item is actually a possibility. It’s true that the prices are low here, but what’s great about that when you end up receiving a bag like this replica Celine Luggage you would never wear?
This replica Celine bag is painful to look at & I hope our reader has learned her lesson to stay away from this site! Just scroll down to the email & photos below to judge for yourselves!
My dear Angie,
I feel like I’m disappointing you right now with this Ioffer review because you’ve put so much effort into making us understand why we should avoid this site. But I thought that the least I can do is tell you and your other readers’ about my experience.
Maybe there are girls who are still considering to buy from this site and I hope I can help them change their minds. Even though I knew this site is not trustworthy, there was still a little devil inside my mind saying “Hmm, maybe you’ll be lucky and the bag is actually going to be great!”
So I found a seller that had many Celine replica bags and many customer reviews, I thought this was a good thing. They weren’t all positive, but most of them were. I made the offer for a replica Celine Luggage with black and beige. He offered a discount for Western Union but I refused and chose PayPal instead.
I sent him the money, and he gave me a tracking number. After more than a month, I received the bag. I won’t lie to you, I was scared before I opened the package. And I had reasons to feel that way, the bag looks horrible! Oh, and it’s black and white, not black and beige like I wanted. If only that were the only problem with it!
I thought that returning it was useless, the shipping would cost like half the price of the bag. So I thought I should email the people at Ioffer to ask for a refund. But guess what? The seller was nowhere to be found, he closed his account! And iOffer refuses to take any responsibility for it.
I didn’t lose a lot of money, but I learned my lesson the hard way. The only thing I can say: girls, don’t listen to that little devil in your head like I did!
Angie, I hope you’ll share my review on your blog. Trust me, I’m sorry I didn’t listen to your advice!
Thank you

Now the replica bags on iOffer are cheaper than on most decent replica sites and there are many models to choose from. However iOffer is just a mediator, they never get involved if something goes wrong in a purchase, so you as a buyer basically have no safety net.
This Celine replica Luggage Tote pictured above is horrible, and the pictures speak for themselves so I won’t make any further comments. You may think this experience is a one off, however the truth is that this is the usual story when it comes to iOffer shoppers, and the end result is unsurprising. Truth be told, you can’t expect a $50 knockoff bag from any brand to look that great. So save your money and spend it on something (or anything else) before you think twice about shopping here!