Ok so it is time for me to officially share my FAVORITE and most stunning replica Louis Vuitton bag purchase this month. As you all may already know I previously shared that I kinda went all out on LV bags this month and I have saved the best for last in terms of reviews – what is it? It is the Louis Vuitton Babylone PM in Mahina leather. I have always been a fan of the Mahina leather but last time I tried to purchase a Selene replica (totally love that model too) but the leather was way too overly plastic-y and the bag was totally off, and left me feeling like a compete faker carrying it. So surely enough that bag hardly saw any light of day and I dropped it off to a thrift store about 2 years ago, and that was the end of that.
Ever since then I have always thought that Mahina leather was something replica sellers would never perfect and I would simply be stuck dropping money on an authentic one from a Louis Vuitton boutique. The Babylone PM costs a pretty penny at the LV store coming in at $4,100.00 USD. Back when I was totally into buying authentics I would usually do a bag two times a year – one for my birthday and one for Christmas. With prices like this you can totally understand why! Anyways when I first saw the Babylone PM on Counterlux I was like OMG I have to have it. But then memories of the Selene crept back to me and I realized maybe this bag is simply too good to be true – even though the pictures on the site showcased the depth of the leather pretty well. After emailing back and forth with the site’s customer service I decided to take the plunge and order this model (unfortunately DD did not have this one in their catalog which is where I got my other LV bags this month from). Why do I love the Mahina leather series so much? Well I think it is so sophisticated, dare I say even more so than the canvas series because the LV logo is not as prominent and so much more subtle!
The bag took about two weeks to arrive to my apartment, and once I opened up the parcel I was in total disbelief and beyond happy in how good replicas have become! I mean if you could see and feel the leather of this bag in person you would be in awe as well. I have taken some photos of the bag and done my best to try and showcase the quality below! As far as replica Louis Vuitton bags, and replica bags in general go this bag is a 10/10 when you take into consideration everything including the hardware, leather etc. These are the kind of replica bags that get returned to the boutiques and dupe sales associates! Take a look at my pics (although note my camera went weird causing different looking shades in some pics) and let me know what you think in the comments

Hello,I loved your blog. Could you please share the website. The one you posted here is not working.
I really love lv purses I’m trying to buy a artsy can any body help me please
where did you get this beg Angie?
Have you had a chance to compare this color with an authentic? Is it a perfect match? I love the magnolia mahina but am so nervous the color won’t match
Lovely bag..Please do not order bags designerroomuk ..bad quality n no value money
where are you buying your bags from?
Hi Melissa this particular bag was purchased from Counterlux 3 years ago!
Hi hun this particular bag was purchased from DD 3 years ago!
Hi hun, that’s why I usually stick to neutral colors that are hard for them to screw up! However in the case of this bag the color was a perfect match when I compared it in the boutique! Hope this helps
Looking for a wonderful replica of Odeon PM. I love cross body bags and when I went to purchase one at the LV store, it was discontinued! Dang!!!! I saw one on Designer Discreet but I am not sure. Help! So confused
Hi Judy, OMG the Odeon is discontinued? I always actually loved that bag as well and hoped to get one eventually. I guess you could turn to a replica version of the bags it was a fairly popular bag so there should definitely be good copies of it out there! Let me know if you end up ordering one/how it turns out!
I need this bag!! Ok, well perhaps need is a little too much, but I love it and really want one…. where can I get one? Any place that looks this amazing? Thanks all!
Hi hun, You will not regret this bags it is beautiful and one of the BEST LV replicas I have ever owned so I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to anyone. You can get it from LM, that’s where I bought a LV Mahina Girolata recently and the quality is phenomenal!
Hi! So glad to have found your site!! I am looking to purchase my first Replica’s the Neverfull GM in the traditional brown logo with red interior. Do you prefer Louis Mirror or Designer Discreet for their Neverfull quality? I see LM has it for $359 and DD has it for $389. Are there any big differences? Thanks so much!
i have a question about the site Louismirror, i am in the process of ordering the Hina bag in black but they want me to go to my bank and wire them money. Do you think that is safe and is that how you paid for yours from that site? Thank you:)
Hi hun, I have only purchased Neverfulls from DD in the past so I can’t speak to Neverfulls however what I have purchased from LM has turned out fantastic so I’d say either option is fine to go with whomever you feel you trust more/get a better vibe from!
Hi hun, I paid via Western Union with almost all replica sellers I’ve purchased from. As I have mentioned many times to many blog readers buying replicas is not an safest act generally, but if you trust the seller you are purchasing from and have vetted them you should be fine with ordering from them!
What does DD stand for? Can you please send me a website that I can access?
Hi Kathy, DD stands for Designer Discreet. I have done a couple of reviews on bags I got from them.
I am considering purchasing this bag from DD in either the magnolia or the galet color. However, the galet color on DD’s website looks different from the pictures on the official LV site. Additionally, in the review above, you mentioned buying from Counterlux because DD didn’t have it, but in the comments, you said you bought from DD. I am just trying to figure out where I should order from
Hi Tabitha, OMG you are so right I totally got that mixed up! I did in fact buy this bag from counterlux but they are down now! Look at the Girolata I recently reviewed in the same leather for an update!
Hi, I just got a replica noir mahina leather Babylone PM. (I don’t know how to post a photo.) The thing is, most people in the LV stores have never seen one of these bags, so I have nothing to compare it to. BUT I would still like to know how it compares to the real deal. My bag has a dark brown leather handle, and the mahina perforation holes have a golden hue against the black leather. The LV online photos have a black handle, and the perforations look like small black holes. I asked LV about the photos, and they said that the photos are always enhanced, and that to get the best idea of how a bag looks, I would need to see it in a store (I believe Rodeo Drive has one). Some black LV bags do have brown handles (Carmel), but still, I have nothing to compare my replica to. Thoughts??? Help!
“I have the REAL version and I think it’s terrible that people are knocking them off. How would you feel if someone stole your idea/brand? Seriously pathetic!
I have a question about ordering through Western Union. Do you have any recourse through them if you get scammed? At least with my credit card company, I know they will give me a refund…
Is the leather perforated or just stamped with the logo
Hi Angie, what does “LM” mean? Is it a website? Which specific website are you using?
Ok but where did you get it and how much?