This post is a continuation of my summer haul which I never really got to finish due to being super busy! So the first time I fell in love with the Chloe Hudson was when I saw picture of Emma Watson wearing it in black on a tabloid site. The bag is super cute and so feminine. But at the same time the bag remains understated – it’s not an in your face show-y kind of bag, but more of a demure piece that adds class to your wardrobe without having to be the star of the show. Ever since I first saw this bag I knew I HAD to have it. The only thing I wasn’t sure of was whether I had to buy it as an authentic model or if I would be able to find a replica or fake good enough to feed my craving.
When searching for the bag I decided to go one of my trusted sources for replicas that doesn’t usually let me down – Kaye Zhang (email: kayezhangbag@gmail.com). She didn’t have the bag initially on their site so I added her on wechat and asked for it and I was ecstatic to find out they did indeed have the bag! So without hesitating I sent a wire transfer right away, and began to await the arrival of my new Chloe. The bag is GORGEOUS in person and honestly one of the best replicas I have ever seen in my years as a replica shopper. The hardware is really heavy, and the leather and stitching is perfectly done. Sometimes as a buyer I feel like I should keep trying to shop at new places to discover potentially better products, but I have to say that Designer Discreet has honestly never really let me down yet. Have I ever got a bad bag from them? Not yet. I did get a damaged bag once but they replaced it for me after a couple of months of waiting (the waiting does suck with them). So I guess this mini rant is basically to show my appreciation for DD because they were the first good company I found for replicas and the one I’ve shopped at the most throughout the years.
The leather on this Chloe is gorgeous and the braiding is wonderfully done. The bag was about $405 USD with the discount they gave (compared to about $2150 for the authentic model), and I also bought a YSL Cassandre tassel chain bag and a new Prada bag with my order too to qualify for the free wallet which was an awesome deal. I’ll be adding pictures of my other bags in the haul as well shortly! The bag came with the usual plastic covered handles which protect it during the shipping process.
I went with a dark brown which looks amazing, and the golds studs really pop out when you wear it. I would really recommend this bag to anyone who is looking for a crossbody they can just throw on when they don’t feel like carrying a bigger purse. As a crossbody the bag is pretty generous in terms of interior space and it can comfortably fit goodies like your wallet and a phone. I can already tell this bag is going to become one of my staples in my collection – I have probably worn it already 20 times since I got it in the summer and have yet to get bored of it. Go ahead and check out pics of my bag below and let me know what you think of it in the comments!

1 Comment
hi! do you know if purse mall.ru is legit? I am looking for the Chloe Hudson bag in white and they are the only ones that have it