As you all know I have been a handbag lover for many years (since my teens) but I have never thought about owning a Hermes bag. Why? Because it is extremely expensive and puts a dent in most people’s budgets. I mean if you think about it, you can get about 10-15 Louis Vuitton bags for the sticker price of 1 Hermes – that’s pretty crazy considering Louis Vuitton is already a fairly pricey luxury brand itself.
But the desire of owning a Hermes didn’t fade away as time went by, on the contrary, it got stronger. Finally, one day, I decided I have to get one, and a knockoff version would be the best solution to my dilemma. However, finding the perfect replica of a designer bag can be a daunting task – especially if you’re trying to replicate an iconic brand like Hermes. What’s even more intimidating is its hefty price tag that often leaves me thinking ‘no way!’
Well folks, good news: I have found possibly the best source for Hermes replicas ever! It is a website called Perfect Hermes, which came recommended by a blog reader Jess in an email. (A shoutout to Jess!)
To be honest, I was being hesitated, because it still required a pretty big investment (high-grade replica Hermes bags are always over $1000). Of course, there are plenty of cheaper sources on the internet, but why spend money on some barely satisfactory bags just to save a few hundred bucks? So I finally decided to take the plunge and purchase a 25cm Birkin (I love the smaller Hermes pieces). I bought this bag around 3 months ago when I decided to splurge on my summer haul (I scooped up about 5 new bags during this shopping spree).

After weeks of researching and comparing, I was convinced Perfect Hermes would be a perfect choice. Here are the three main reasons that I value the most.
- Customer Service – I care a lot about customer service because I believe that if a company takes care of its customers then it likely takes pride in the quality of its products. Since this was my first purchase on this website, I was a little nervous, so I asked a lot of questions through their email. The seller answered my questions very professionally and patiently, and most notably, they sent me videos and photos showing me the process of making their bags by hand, which fascinated me. After numerous email exchanges, my worries finally dissipated.
- Custom Made – They offer a personalized selection of sizes, colors, and leathers. There are four sizes that you can choose according to your daily needs. And for colors, the site says they can recreate any official Hermes color as long as their stock permits. The best part is they offer more than 10 leather options, you can even email them to request a unique and stylish bag made with exotic materials like alligator, croc, or ostrich. I always feel invested in the purchase since I get to decide how I want the product to look.
- Quality(Last but NOT Least) – From the website, the company states they only produce 50 bags a month since they use Hermes’ original hand-sewn method to make the bags. It was really nice to see how much dedication they show to the process of making the bags. As for the leather, they assured me they only use imported leather from France.
I purchased my Birkin in a natural tan color with gold hardware and contrasting white stitching. Seeing my fake Hermes put me in a state of awe – I couldn’t believe how high-quality its texture was! In terms of hardware, it may not be real gold but still provides amazing precision with the anodizing. I compared it side by side with one from my friend Michelle’s authentic collection. Not even our eagle eyes could spot differences between mine and a genuine Birkin…check out these stunning pics for yourself if you don’t believe me!

I often see authentication guides calling out fakes for their sketchy stitching but clearly, it seems that the authentic manufacturing standards are hell-bent on perfectly straight stitching either. I will do a more detailed fake vs. real Hermes comparison shortly to compare my knock-off Hermes bag side by side with an original.
For me, the answer is yes, I can’t tell you how I’m amazed by the quality of my fake Hermes. The leather used for my handbag feels just as luxurious and smooth as authentic Hermes leather. I am especially pleased with the stitching as I mentioned above, the handles feel strong and comfortable to carry and the zipper is also quite smooth despite all the times I have needed to open/close it.

Not only that, but because I chose the smallest size (Birkin 25), it’s lightweight but roomy enough, which means I can carry all my belongings around effortlessly no matter how far I have to go. You can feel that they have taken every aspect of quality into consideration when making my Birkin, from the stitching to the zippers and handles, to make sure it can withstand daily wear and tear.
Although it is expensive for replicas, it is definitely worth it because for those bags that are cheaper, you can quickly find out in comparison that they are made of faux leather. It’s nice to know that I have a stylish leather piece in my wardrobe that won’t break the bank.
Overall this Hermes Birkin replica was a great deal for the price and is holding up very well. The supple leather stands out and I think you are getting an excellent replica for the price being charged. It arrived in classic Hermes gift wrapping with an extra special bow, plus they used DHL shipping which was free of charge. Since every order is custom made, they took about 2 weeks to make the bag and then the shipping took about another week.

Working with this company was relatively easy – they took a deposit to kick things off, followed up with pictures of the finished product and when I approved it they promptly sent me tracking info. It was a fairly smooth transaction minus the fact that my DHL tracking number changed midway through causing some alarm on my end. So if you’ve been considering getting a konckoff Hermes handbag, they are worth considering.
That’s it, folks! We’ve reached the end of this blog. I hope you guys have found something useful or entertaining. If you have any thoughts, comments, or questions, now is the time to leave them. It would be great to hear from you – what do you think of my replica Hermes? Have you ever bought a replica before? Any other suggestions or feedback on my blogs? I am all ears! Thanks so much for taking the time to have a look through, and feel free to pop back anytime for more!
i have a hermes replica and it smells like heavenly leather. i feel good about getting the same exact look and logo bag for way less money. i would never kiss ass to get a real birkin nor waste that kinda money. my money was better spent on college educations for my kids
I have an original Hermès bag which I bought from a second-hand deal in Africa. I can’t see any difference with this one.
Can you do a what fits in my mini kelly?
Do all Hermès bags, even the older ones, have the ‘H’ at the end of the zipper?
I have three of these Birkin replicas, and they look just like the real thing. You can’t even tell the difference