Hello lovely blog readers,
In this blog post I will be reviewing the Louis Vuitton Montaigne MM replica bag that I purchased, highlighting the bag’s pros, cons, and overall quality in comparison to the authentic. I fell in love with the Montaigne MM bag when it first came out a few years ago and it has been on my wishlist since 2015. However it kept getting pushed back due to other designs that would pop up and I would desire to obtain more quickly. One thing I can say about the Montaigne MM is that I believe that it’s shape and structure make it one of those Louis Vuitton bags (much like the Speedy and Neverfull), that will stand the test of time. The bag is very functional and I love the MM size. It can comfortably fit in your wallet, sunglasses, phone, and cosmetics. Another feature of the bag I love is the detachable shoulder strap which is one of my favorite features that I always seek out in almost every bag I buy as functionality is very important to me.

On a 10 point scale I would rate this bag a 9.9 – I never give any bag a 10/10 since there will always be a 0.01% difference between a replica and authentic bag. However in my opinion this Louis Vuitton Montaigne MM replica bag is as close as it gets to authentic, and it ticks off all of the quality control standards I apply when purchasing a Louis Vuitton replica bag. These include:
The canvas of a Louis Vuitton bag is the actual material used to make the bag. It is where the LV logo is splashed and is the key material used to make Monogram and Damier fabric bags. As I have pointed out before the canvas material is not leather, but instead a heavily coated canvas (which makes the canvas portion of the bag technically vegan – if that matters to you). The canvas material on an authentic Louis Vuitton bag is firm, not floppy, and this replica version of the Montaigne MM bag is made from canvas that perfectly fulfills this requirement. The canvas feels firm and you can tell the textural quality of it is quite high just by observing it through photos (although I must say it looks much better in person).

The leather trimmings on a Louis Vuitton bag refer to the cowhide trimmings used for the handles and other small detailing on the bags. This is the portion of the bag that should be 100% genuine cowhide. Many replica bags use fake leather trimmings meaning that the bag will not patina (i.e. darken) over the years. However this bag is a true mirror or counter quality replica so the cowhide is real. You can tell if the cowhide is real by simply touching it – real leather has a soft feel that plastic can never imitate.

Louis Vuitton uses metallic colored plated metal hardware on their authentic bags. This bag’s hardware is made from the same material. The only gripe I do have about Louis Vuitton replicas in general is that the replica hardware is about 5-10% lighter than their authentic counterparts. However this is not something that is visible to the eye, so it is not a factor that I weigh very heavily. There are many replicas of other brands (e.g. Chanel) that get the hardware weight right, but Louis Vuitton replicas are always lacking just a little in this sense, in my opinion. However this is something that nobody can really pick up on unless they have dealt with hundreds of bags, and is not a visible flaw thus I pay little to no attention to it.

The stitching of a bag is one of those areas where you can clearly differentiate between a bad replica and a good one. Sloppy stitching means that the bag was not made with the care and diligence that their authentic counterparts receive. I always look for clean and even stitching on any replica bag. This particular Louis Vuitton Montaigne MM bag has very clean and even stitching, so it passes this test with flying colors.

The final piece of criteria I use to judge Louis Vuitton replica bags is the overall craftsmanship of the bag. I look at the shape of the bag in comparison to the authentic, and the overall vibe/feel the bag gives me. In the case of the Louis Vuitton Montaigne MM bag, I am very impressed with the craftsmanship. The shape of the bag perfectly matches that of the authentic, and the overall look and feel of the bag relays that luxe look that Louis Vuitton is loved for.

Another way to determine that you have purchased a good quality replica bag is the way the bag is packaged. When I received this bag every part of the hardware was wrapped, and the handles were protected with plastic coverings. Air bags were placed inside the bag to help maintain its shape. These are minor details, but they definitely reflect the quality of the bag.

This replica bag is beautiful and is a reminder of how replica manufacturers can produce truly exquisite pieces that are almost a perfect dupe. Considering the original price of the bag was $2,460 USD on Louis Vuitton’s website, I am very happy I saved about 4/5’s of that price by choosing to buy a replica instead.

Which site did you order from?
The bag looks lovely. Does it hold as much as a Speedy 25?
Hi Negin, I would say it fits a bit less than the Speedy 25, but I find it pretty roomy overall. I will do an update literally showing how much it can hold once I have time to take a pic!
Great bag review ! I love that they do it in the same material as the authentic one ,I am looking to be more subtle and go for the empreinte version ,do you know if they are really similar to the authentic as well in terms of the leather? THANK YOU PURSE QUEEN!
If I wanted to purchase it, what is the price?
I wish you would have respond to my email about Jessica but i guess I’m in the wrong forum .
Hi Elaine, I got it for $440 including shipping.
I am interested in a Louis Vuitton Montsouris or Sperone. Do you have either of those and if so, which site did you get them from?
Also, do you usually pay for shipping guarantee?
Is it ok to pay DD through western union or wire transfer please advise
Hi,Do u communicate with DD through WeChat? Or just buy off the site?Also have you bought their Gucci Velvet marmont or Prada cahier bags?
Hi, I the bag is lovely. Over the years I have purchased several high end replica bags myself. Mostly from the same company. They have all been wonderful. And all have arrived just fine. However, my last purchase got pulled by customs. Now I’,m scared to death to make another purchase. I’m wondering if there would be a way we could chat and see if you have any ideas how I can overcome this latest hiccup. Thanks so much!!
Hi Flirty, I usually pay through wire transfer online and haven’t had a problem yet.
I just signed up for one of those USA street address post office boxes that will forward to your home address. It will cost a little more. But worth it. Thanks!!
DD is down. It’s so heartbroken. I planned to place my order today
Hello, I was wondering where you purchased the lv bag from ?
How can I contact you privately to tell you the rest of this story?
Is the glazing supposed to be super red like that? I only owned preloved LVs so I am not quite sure how the glazing should be brand new. It has been putting me off the idea of getting a rep.
I want to know it too.
What is the website that it was purchased from ?
Hi Matilda this particular bag was purchased from here
Where can I get this bag?!?!
Hi Marissa,I have been loving LM for Louis Vuitton replicas lately so I’d suggests you try them out!
Hi! I’m writing to you about two topics. First, I came across another Instagram page called “Purse Queen Co” which claims to sell bags directly from the CN factory. Do you have any information about them? Have you purchased from them before and do you recommend it? Second, I am planning to buy the Pochette Metis in Louis Mirror. Do you happen to have any coupons? Thank you so much! Regards!
I just bought one and I don’t know if it’s real. How much can I sell this bag for? I’ll send pictures.
Hi Purse Queen, how long does Louis Mirror take to post your order? It has been a week and I am getting worried!
Did you ever receive the bag and how long did it take?
hey how do i even purchase from them louismirror.. he has no contact information on yuppo i created an account. everything just looks like pictures with the price but no way to buy? how does this work ???