The Chloé Faye bag is a bag that you have probably spotted before since it has been worn by many celebs and fashion influencers on social media. The bag has multiple version including a backpack (which I also bought and will be also reviewing), a medium day bag, and also a mini version. It’s safe to say that the Chloé Faye bag is one of Chloé’s modern hits, and this is quite a feat since the bag was only introduced in 2015.
I personally have been in love with the Chloé Faye bag since I first spotted it about a year and a half ago. It’s not often that I fall in love with a bag instantly – I usually need to see it in the official boutique in person before I can confirm my admiration for a bag – but the Chloé Faye was one of those rare bags that I fell in love with upon first sight. First of all the bag has a minimalist vibe which I love (I love the minimalist aesthetic generally), and it has a vintage vibe as well. I think the bag fits in both the “cool” and “chic” category, and can complete any outfit with an effortless vibe. Basically I don’t have any qualms with the bag except for its functionality – it is a little tight inside so you need to really pare down what you carry in your bag to make sure it fits and looks good at the same time.

I personally find that an Ipad, wallet, and phone can perfectly fit into the bag. A mid sized book can also comfortably fit in the bag as displayed by the Vitamix recipe book I stuffed into the bag in the photos above (BTW: I love the Vitamix blender and highly recommend getting one as it really does make getting more fruits and veggies into your diet easier!) I think that the bag would compliment a professional look, and also a laid back weekend look when you’re rocking jeans. You can see how celebs have worn the bag in this montage:

I love the calfskin/suede leather combo, and believe that the contrast between the two really helps make the look of the bag as chic as it is. The texture of the flap is that of a velvety feel, while the rest of the bag is smooth to the touch calfskin. The hallmark of a good replica bag is that the leather is on par with the original bag’s, and this bag gets a checkmark when it comes to meeting that criteria. The interior of the bag is suede as well however it is a lighter suede (almost beige-ish), and is genuine suede leather like the original. Some replica manufacturers get careless when it comes to the inside of the bag and often fail to have it match the details of the original, however this bag’s interior is perfect.

The Chloé Faye bag I received has wonderfully heavy hardware which is on par with the weight of its original counterpart. The O shaped ring and the chain are the key hardware components as well as the sides of the bag where the strap attaches. Some lazy replica manufacturers fail to get this right or cheap out by providing light hardware. If you have a Chloé Faye replica you can judge the quality of the bag simply by assessing the weight of the hardware in comparison to the original.

The Chloé Faye bag features a small logo stamp right on top of where the O ring is attached to the bag. Whenever you purchase a replica you can judge the quality of the overall work by looking at how neatly and cleanly the logo is stamped or embossed onto the bag. In the case of this particular bag, both the stamp on the outside of the bag as well as the one in the interior pocket are done very cleanly and in my humble opinion are actually flawless.

As mentioned on almost every review on this blog, if you ever purchase a replica you need to pay attention to the stitching quality as this is one of the key indicators as to how good of a replica you have purchased. The stitching on the Chloé Faye bag I purchased is very clean and neatly done. It is also stitched at even intervals, indicating strong craftsmanship.

Overall I would say that this Chloé Faye bag is one of the most stunning replicas I have seen in a while, as it not only perfectly matches the form and feel of the original, but the artistry of the actual designer is not lost and is perfectly represented in the bag. Considering the price of the original was $1950 USD on Chloé’s official website, I am quite pleased that I saved about 3/4 of that by purchase a replica. I am in LOVE with the bag, and know that it will be a piece I will probably use forever! What do you think of the bag? Scroll down to see some extra shots, and let me know in the comments below!

Wow this bag is so beautiful. I have just added it to my want list
Hi Angie,When are you posting your haul for Chanel. I am waiting for your post before I buy one. First time buyer for Replica here. I really want a Chanel Classic Flap in Caviar and a LV NF as well but don’tt know where to get the one that are really great replica. That no one will know that I am wearing one because people I know are judgemental people.
Where is the bag from? Did I miss where you mention this? If so, apologies. Thank you.
Wow ! What site did you buy this one from? It’s beautiful !
Thank you!
it’s absolutely beautiful .
Please tell us where you purchased it
Where did you buy this from?
Please ket us know!
Thank you so much!
Does Anyone Have Any Good Mirror Image Chanel Replica Sites ?
Hello. Please where did you buy this from? About to make my first purchase! So excited!
Hi, I have been looking for a nano sac de jour with grained leather in a light beige colour. But I can only find brown or white in the nano size. Do you know where to get good Sac de Jour replicas?I hope you can help me
Agreed! Me too! I really want to get a Chanel as well.May I know where you got this one? I was checking out your approved:
Designer discreet and luxury replica houses but both their sites are down. What is your feedback on it PurseQueen?Thanks!Grace
So lovely! Im in love with the faye collection, where did you get it from?? xx
Hi Dear!!What do you think about this page: bagsvista?Are they good quality?I hope you can answer me!Thank a lot!
that’s exactly what looking for the counter quality Chanel.
Hello. Where did you purchase this Chloe Faye replica? Looking for my first replica purchase. Thank you!
Hello are you still a fan of Designer Discreet? I am also looking to make my first replica purchase and want to ensure good quality and trustworthiness. Thanks
Hey! I’d love to know where to buy this bag!! Thanks.
Hi where can I buy this please ?
Hi Jessica, I got this bag from DD about a year and a half ago!