I love Chloé as a brand generally, and the Faye backpack is no exception in regards to my admiration for Chloé’s lovely designs. The Faye backpack is uber cute as it combines a bohemian vibe with femininity and functionality. The bag in it’s medium size retails for $1,990 USD and is sold out on every website I visited (including Barney’s, Nordstrom, and Chloé’s official site itself).

Now I’ve previously purchased a Chloé Faye shoulder bag, as well as a Chloé Hudson bag in replica form (not authentic), and the bags turned out to be amazingly on point (click to the reviews if you want to see yourself), so I thought hey I’m gonna go for a replica of the Chloé Faye backpack as well! I purchased the bag in off white since I’m a stickler for neutral colors, which I’m sure you know by now after perusing my collection of bags in general.
I paid about $450 including shipping, money transfer fees etc. for the bag.The bag can be worn either on your shoulder using the removable strap attached on the sides of the bag, or it can be worn as a backpack with the removable shoulder straps on the back of the bag. In addition to the lovely mix of velvety suede and supple leather, the bag features hand-painted raw edges along the flap, and side zippers. The Chloé Faye backpack is a bag of many details, and it is a difficult bag to purchase as a replica in the sense that there are a lot of details that replica manufacturers have to get right.
If you are a novice shopper for fake bags it’s easy to buy a bad quality of this particular model. However luckily due to my years of experience of shopping for replica bags I knew exactly what to look for, and this helped me avoid this pitfall that plagues replica shopping in general. The replica bag is well constructed, pinning down even the smallest details of its authentic counterpart. I can continue to yap about the bag, but I think it’s better to get straight to showing you pictures, since as well all know pictures are worth a thousand words!