Hello lovely blog readers,
I have big news for everyone! I will be overhauling the blog to make it more useful for everyone! The first thing is to note that the domain has changed from thepursequeen.wordpress.com to thepursequeen.co. In addition to this, I will be changing everything from the site design, all the way to how websites are recommended. Currently you will see that there is a recommended sellers page and I will be converting this into a sellers ranking page where I will feature all prominent sellers that are currently out in the market and rank them based on their product quality. I always get asked, “how good is seller x or seller y?” and in order to make the review side of the site more useful I will try to go through all popular sellers and offer a review of their quality based on my personal opinion, and opinions of blog readers that email me their own personal experiences!
This way I hope to expand the recommended seller list greatly, and even more importantly offer a better way of gaging who sells what type of quality so people can have better shopping advice! Another key change is that I will also begin to review authentic designer bags. As many of you know, most blog readers, and I myself own both authentic and replica pieces. I will begin to showcase more of my authentic collection, and offer reviews on these pieces as well as well as the sources where I got them from (e.g. consignment stores, the brand boutique etc.)! I will also be adding more guides to help discern between authentic and fake handbags. Overall I hope these changes will make the blog more useful!
These changes will be upcoming within the next few weeks, and months so keep your eyes peeled! If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments below!
Angie xoxo
Love your blog and look forward to the updates!
Looking forward to it. Please note on any reviews of replicas to post the seller info! Thanks!
That is lovely . Looking forward . Thanks
Love your blog!