Happy 2019 lovely blog readers!
I have A LOT of reviews in store for y’all in the month of January as I had a mega haul that I received for Christmas, and also things I treated myself to for the new year! When I first began this blog it was because there were literally zero resources for replica handbag shoppers, and I decided to try to create a site where people could send in reviews so we could filter the bad from the good. However now as I’ve become a seasoned replica handbag shopper I take delight in sharing how accurate good replica bags can be, and love that there are others who consider this blog a valuable resource! Above I have posted a sneak peak of the latest goodies I have purchased which were Celine and Louis Vuitton replica wallets. These are the specific models I will be reviewing:
- Large Black Céline Zipped Wallet in Pebbled Calfksin Leather
- Zippy Louis Vuitton Wallet in Mahina Leather
- Victorine Louis Vuitton Wallet in Damier Ebene
- Smart Louis Vuitton Wallet in Epi Leather in Bleu Marine
- Multiple Louis Vuitton Wallet in Black Epi Leather

Aside from these wallets I will have reviews upcoming on some Gucci, Celine, Stella McCartney, and Louis Vuitton bags! So get excited! Also: feel free to follow me on my new instagram account I just set up (yes – I’m a tech dinosaur) by clicking here!