Hello beautiful blog readers,
It is often requested that I review more men’s replica items, and in this post I will be honoring that request by reviewing three Louis Vuitton men’s wallets.
One of the wallets, the Multiple wallet in Damier Graphite, was purchased for my husband about two years ago, and I never reviewed it initially but asked him to borrow it for this post to show you guys how you can expect a good replica wallet to hold up through the wear and tear of everyday life. My husband uses this wallet everyday and he is not super gentle with it so I’d say that the average person could expect the same results.
When it comes to buying replicas, especially for the first time, I have always suggested that people start with something small like a wallet because: a) you are not spending a lot of money so if you get burned it shouldn’t be too bad, b) it allows you to judge a seller on their quality without once again spending a lot of money, and c) if you are on the fence about replicas it will help you become more familiarized with what to expect when shopping for them. Wallets are one thing that I personally would never buy an authentic version of because the replicas available are of amazing quality, and the authentics are priced disproportionately high – I would rather purchase a fake wallet and then use my savings towards an authentic bag where I believe I am actually getting something I can justify dropping that much cash on.
I think that the Multiple wallet is the one of the best wallets for men offered by Louis Vuitton, regardless of whether you are buying fake or real. The wallet has room for bills as well as just enough slots for any credit cards or ID you may carry with you. You can email the seller of the wallets Aaron at: aaronrep93@gmail.com. The original price on the Louis Vuitton website for this wallet is $490 USD. Take a look at the photos below to see how the wallet has held up:

The other two wallets reviewed here include the Epi Leather Smart Wallet and the Epi Leather Initials Multiple Wallet. These retail for $635 USD, and $685 respectively. I bought them for Christmas last year as gifts for family, and the quality of these wallets are phenomenal. I think that Epi leather is a great choice for a wallet as the leather was thick and durable looking and ticket off all the boxes one would expect from a high quality replica. These were purchased from LM. Here are their pics: