Hello everyone!
Even though I have many years of experience purchasing replica bags, shopping for replicas can still be hit or miss even for those of us with experience. However what sets apart a seasoned replica bag shopper from a newbie is that we take it all in stride, and expect to get a bad apple every now and then amongst our purchases. This particular replica bag I purchased was a Gucci Ophidia in the chestnut colour in the size small.
The original retail price is $1,790 USD and I purchased it for around $250 from a replica bag seller that I tried for the first time. The bag’s look from a distance is ok but the hardware is super light and fake looking, and the interior is not good quality. The dustbag was also very cheap looking and feeling – usually dustbags are not my first concern as you can get a good replica bag and a cheap dustbag however in this case the dustbag was super horrible giving me a sign of the quality beforehand.
You can take a peek below at the photos yourself to see the lack of quality, and take it as a lesson that even those of us with a lot of experience can get burned sometimes when shopping for replica bags:

Yeah, this happens when we try new sellers are at risk we take. Hope you don’t get another so-so bag again, chica!
Who did you buy from so we dont get caught!
Angie, I like your blog but your information is not as helpful as it could be if you don’t tell us the seller’s name from whom you purchased. So, from what website did you buy this bag? Thank you.
Yes, sharing that information would be so helpful.
So, who’s the seller??