I’m sure my Louis Vuitton obsession isn’t news to anyone! My collection was already bursting at the seams, yet no matter how full it is – there was always room for just one more Louis Vuitton bag. So when I found this perfect replica Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis at an unbeatable price recently, there was absolutely nothing stopping me. Now that that little shopping spree has come and gone, let me tell you all about this new addition…
Without a doubt, when it comes to choosing between an original and a replica, price is the driving factor. So when I saw the replica of my new Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis at only 15% of the cost of an authentic one – $408 with shipping included compared to the official LV’s whopping $2,570 – it was a no-brainer! Seriously – for what you pay for 1 real deal bag you can get 6 gorgeous replicas that are indistinguishable from each other and look just as good on your arm.
For those who think it’s worth it to spend $2500 to get the real thing, let’s keep something in mind: this Pochette Metis bag isn’t a standard leather bag. It’s canvas; yes, it’s LV Monogram coated canvas, though impressive and recognizable, it doesn’t change the fact of what it is. When you think about spending $2500 on a luxury handbag, that’s an investment and I would personally prefer a real leather option instead. So if you see it that way, buying an authentic bag seems just not that worth it.
Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with canvas bags. In fact, Louis Vuitton Monogram Canvas is one of my faves. It’s tough enough to last through anything and surprisingly easy to keep clean. As the company states on its website, “All of our products are made with the original-grade material used by authentic brand manufacturers”, I was expecting my Louis Vuitton knockoff with high standards, and it didn’t let me down.
The moment I took off the LV Metis wrapper, I could tell immediately how carefully designed and stitched the bag was. Every detail, right from the exterior canvas to the zippers conveys a certain prestige and quality. There are plenty of places offering Louis Vuitton replicas with lower standards, but it’s easy to spot them with the telltale overly red glaze on their handles. And I’m pleased to see that the glaze of my LV knockoff is a deep red, just like the authentic one. Instead of me going on about it though, let’s look at these pics instead – they say way more than a thousand words ever could!

If you have your eyes on the LV Pochette Metis bag and want to know about its pros and cons. I believe you can easily find tons of deep-dive videos all about this chic LV handbag on YouTube or any other platform. Get an in-depth look at it so you know whether you like the bag or not before making a decision. I did a thorough search before purchasing mine, therefore I’ve found nothing negative to report so far. A friendly reminder though – I know some of you are not a fan of medium-sized bags, so you better double-check whether the capacity fits with what you’re looking for in terms of daily needs.

If you’re new here. I got it from one of my trusted sellers – Designer Discreet (my blog followers and I often call it DD). To make sure everyone is on the same page, I’m gonna give you a quick rundown of why DD was my pick. Firstly, they consistently deliver quality products whenever I purchase from them. Every time I shop with them, they never fail to meet my expectations. Secondly, I can always expect reliable customer service. They fulfill all of my requests – no matter how troublesome. When I order a bag, I make sure to ask them for pre-shipping photos. Although it’s been so many years since I ordered from them for the first time, I continue to state this request from them every time, so that in case I have any issue with the bag I can have them replace it in a timely manner.
So that’s it for today, what do you think of my Louis Vuitton replica? Do you find this review useful? Please share your thoughts and leave your comments down below. If you’re interested in replica bags and want to know more, click here to see my other reviews of different designer bags.
Be aware, friends – there’s fake DD out there.
A few readers have already contacted me about it and I also saw some comments about it. Some people are getting scammed by lookalikes. You’ve got to be careful and make sure you know the difference:
- The original website name of real DD was: designerdiscreet.ru
- Then the fake DD came out: designersdiscreet.ru (added an “s” in the middle, which is quite hard to spot)
- So real DD added the “-bags” to their website, making it easier to see the difference.
I will put real DD’s link here again: https://designerdiscreet-bags.ru/.