Hello everyone,
I have received an urgent mail from a new reader named Anna who wants to share her shopping experience as a warning. She reached out to me after realizing she made a mistake in purchasing a replica bag. I’m sharing her story with you all in the hopes that it will serve as a warning. This is the content of the original email:
Hi, Purse Queen,
I’m glad I found your blog, but it was too late for me. If I had read your blog before, I wouldn’t have made such a mistake. I never bought replicas before. I saw this beautiful YSL Kate bag on Instagram from the seller beaubagslove and didn’t know it was a replica at first. I always wanted to own one, but never acted on it! It was only after browsing through the seller’s page that I realized it was a replica. His pictures were very attractive and after some simple communication, Email:beaubagslove@gmail.com.I paid $420 via Western Union. Ughh…how naive was I back then!
Now looking back, it seems like the seller could have easily taken my money without sending me anything. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), he did send me the bag which turned out to be of terrible quality. Please post these on your blog so others can learn from my mistake!
Thank you
Ok, let’s take a look at Anna’s bag.

The box and dust bag looked cheap and had no texture at all.

The chain looked okay at first glance, but the logo was printed roughly with incorrect font size.

Leather? Looks more like plastic to me.
Quality aside, Anna’s bag gave me mixed feelings about its style – metal tassels reminded me of Kate while its body resembled Sunset – so is this a mix of both? Apparently, this manufacturer doesn’t know bags at all; the seller who sells these things is just joking around. Who knows what he was thinking when producing such an awful replica? It felt like something from ten years ago when replicas weren’t mature yet and flooded with low-end products.

If this bag cost $50 or less, maybe I would forgive those mistakes. But for $420 spent on such a terrible replica bag? The seller shouldn’t deceive customers by selling junk replicas; we buy replicas because we want convincing and accurate things!
So ladies, before we start purchasing any item in this market, we should do our research on brands and styles carefully. We should learn from our failures to avoid making the same mistakes again. Of course, no one is born with the talent to distinguish between real and fake bags. Like everyone else, I have learned many lessons from my mistakes, and I spent enough time researching before receiving high-quality replicas. As a “rigorous” buyer like me, I think many sellers will find me troublesome, but it doesn’t matter because, on the internet, nobody knows me. Our ultimate goal is to get what we want.
In this market full of cunning sellers of replicas that often deceive buyers like Anna above mentioned incident shows that she ain’t alone in her plight as a customer you should always be wary of sellers even if they are famous or “popular.” If you are new to buying replicas recently here are some tips for you:
Firstly: If you have an insane passion for fake luxury goods or designer items- think twice and do extensive research on brands/styles you intend to buy; don’t purchase anything unfamiliar.
Secondly: Don’t rely entirely on sellers’ choices since not all sellers are professional or responsible enough; whenever possible compare their photos with official websites’ authentic ones (avoiding making similar errors as Anna did). Better still buy from reputable reliable sellers.
Thirdly: Try reading reviews as much as possible & communicate with other replica buyers who share their valuable experiences using Google search engines.
Or you can follow my blog where I’m happy to show you my comments on replica bags publicly. New readers often find this blog useful BUYING REPLICA BAGS FOR THE FIRST TIME? If you happen to be considering buying a replica YSL Cassandre Tassel Chain bag recently, you can check out a review I’ve posted before. I’ve also compiled seller lists of “recommended” and “don’t buy” if you’re interested. I hope no one gets scammed and everyone gets their holy grail!