Hi, lovelies! Today I would like to do a review of my replica Balenciaga bag. It is the imitation of a classic Balenciaga bag that has been prevalent since the 2000s. If you ask me what is the most iconic fashion bag around 10 to 15 years ago, I’d say the Balenciaga City Small Bag (AKA Balenciaga Motorcycle Bag) definitely had a place in it.
When I was a teen back in 2000, I was always trying to stay on top of all the latest fashion trends. I am not sure if you have ever seen this bag in person, but it used to be hung on the wrists of many fashion icons from Paris Hilton to Mary Kate Olsen.

Yes, that’s how “old” this bag is. Amazing, isn’t it? To be honest, I didn’t lust for this bag as other girls did. But since it is such a classic and timeless bag, I just found it necessary to have it in my replica collection. Another bonus is I have one more cool bag to go with the clothes in my wardrobe. So without further ado, let’s start with the review.

This bag is so luxe, but also really functional. The shoulder strap makes it a no-fuss bag in the sense that you can simply throw it on your shoulder and go out. I’ve always had a soft spot for bags with shoulder straps since they make it so easy to carry the bag and help add a nonchalant vibe to your overall look. So I have to say that the Balenciaga City bag is a very thoughtfully designed bag that really makes you appreciate the overall art of handbag design. It’s been my go-to for all of my weekend shopping trips. Nothing beats it for a no-fuss experience.
The leather of my Balenciaga replica handbag looks and feels like real and nice leather. It smells just like high-quality leather would smell. The grain on the leather is like something straight out of a dream and I swear nothing captures its awesomeness quite like actually seeing it in person. Photos don’t even do it justice.

This fake Balenciaga bag features braided handle details that add a stylish and sophisticated touch. It’s definitely my favorite design feature out of this whole bag. The braided handle is one of those signature details that really give the brand a unique look and make it so recognizable. The handles also add a nice girly feel to an otherwise very tom-boyish bag in my opinion. The handles are about 9 inches from the top of the Balenciaga replica bag, which appears to be the same as the measurement of the authentic bag by some Youtuber.

A close-up of the zipper & hardware. I’ve been stressing this FOREVER on the blog – look out for how solid the hardware, zippers and stitching is. That’s a surefire way to tell if a bag is made well. This is what often separates a good replica from a bad one. The hardware of this Balenciaga knock off bag is very sturdy and high-quality, the stitchings are clean and neat while maintaining parallel to the edges, and the zippers move very smoothly.

As for its accuracy, I think it looks convincing (98% identical to the real deal) in each segment whatsoever. The dimension of this Balenciaga knock off is correct, which is 11.7 inches wide, 8.2 inches high, and 3.9 inches deep. The shape of the front zipper pocket is on par with the authentic City Small Bag. The interior tag is identical to the real bag. Moreover, since authentic Balenciaga bags constantly change over the years, it makes it difficult for others to authenticate a Balenciaga bag. That’s good news for Balenciaga replica buyers. Because that means they have a more solid excuse for their knockoff Balenciaga bags being different from the real thing.

Overall, I am quite satisfied with this fake Balenciaga City Small Bag. Its leather, stitching, and hardware are on point, plus the craftsmanship is of serious quality. Gotta give it a solid 9.5/10. I got the bag from kittyrepstar@gmail.com, which is recommended from one of my readers. Although I initially planned to add this classic bag to my replica collection, now it has become one of my everyday bags. Because it just goes well with outfits with every style! The leather stripes give it a street style that looks great on me no matter what I’m wearing. Besides, it has enough room for my essentials while feeling very comfortable carrying it crossbody.
That’s it for my fake Balenciaga handbag review! I hope you guys like it and found it interesting and helpful. Do you have a Balenciaga bag? What do you think of mine? Feel free to leave a comment down below and share your thoughts. If you like my blogs and are interested in replica bags, click here to check my other reviews of different designer bags.
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