Replica Handbags Review #1: (Updated)

Well girls this is one site I have used to buy handbags from so far and here is my review of it:

1. Website Usability: The website design actually looks nice for a change (usually replica handbag sites have quite ugly layouts if I do say so myself). It seems professional and all the categories are laid out effectively and are simple to use.

2. Selection/Variety of Bags: They have handbags from all the top designers that a person could be looking for and even has some of the newer popular ones like Proenza Schouler. One disadvantage though is that the individual handbags in the categories do not have titles so when searching for a LV Galleria you literally have to look through all the pages to find it.

3. Order Process/Customer Service: Although they do not take Paypal they do have an agreement with Alertpay which is just as trustworthy. The company itself does not gain any of your credit card information but it is all processed safely through AlertPay. When I contacted the company through they responded within a day and were very willing and helpful. They could also speak proper English which is quite a highlight. In terms of shipping the product arrived within 8 days after I ordered it through EMS. The shipping was free so that was definitely a bonus.

4. Quality: I had ordered a LV Azur Speedy, and it came with a dustbag and authentication card. It is pretty good quality, as it made of cowskin leather and there are no flaws in terms of the logo symbol being cut off (a clear indicator that it is a fake). The leather is also nice and heavy and not flimsy at all. As you guys know I like to order up a mix of real and fake handbags so I compared it to my real LV Cherry Speedy. I have posted pictures below to show the comparison!

5. Image Comparison: The bag does look just like the pictures they had posted, and one other advantage of ordering from this site is that a refund is guaranteed if the product does not look like the picture/description.

If anybody is interested you can click here to see the product for sale at

UPDATE: Hey guys this site is out of service now, I had heard from many people that their service begun becoming shady and unreliable and they would send horrible products to consumers but the site has now been shut down luckily so nobody else will get ripped off!

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  1. Please be cautious when dealing with Despite their reassuring website and return policy, my recent experience with the company was disappointing. I purchased a bag that did not resemble the picture on their site, with poor quality leather, and paint-like spots. The customer service representative, Zoee, informed me that the picture was only a comparison for style and not color, and that I should be more careful with future purchases. The company has since removed the comparison pictures from their website.

  2. Can you please post more pics? And what about the other details, how is the hardware?? Some sites claim to produce replicas made of a leather that oxidizes with wear, do the purses at Bassa?? Please advise!!! been looking for an Azur Speedy for AWHILE, as well as the Steven Sprouse special edition Graffiti.

  3. The website “Bassa Boutique” is no longer available. However, it is not recommended to purchase replica Chanel bags from any websites as it is illegal and unethical. It is better to invest in a high-quality authentic bag or consider other alternatives.

  4. Please provide more context or information as I’m unable to determine what the text is referring to without it.

  5. Hello there, I am looking for some latest bag models through Google. Actually I have to gift a hand bag to my cousin on her birthday. So I am looking for some replica bags. So please share some views regarding replica bags.

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