Are you thinking of stepping over to the “dark side” (metaphorically speaking of course) and purchasing your first replica handbag? Well first of all welcome to the world of replica handbags. There are a LOT of myths which need to be debunked both about the quality and purchasing process of replicas whether they be shoes, handbags, watches etc. This is a welcome-to-the-replica-world guide by yours truly! Enjoy, and I hope it helps you with your first purchase of a replica product (whether it be a handbag, shoe, watch, or other accessory!).

What brand should I go for?
There is good news, and bad news when it comes to deciding which handbag you should purchase a replica for. The good news is that there are good quality replicas for every handbag brand, but the bad news is that not every model of every brand will be available in a replica form at all – let alone a good replica! So be careful when picking which handbag to buy a copy of – a good rule of thumb I always take into consideration is the popularity of the model of the handbag. Think of it this way: we all see Cara Delavigne, Chiara Ferragni, Olivia Palermo, the Kardashians, Kate Moss, Angelina Jolie, or any other celeb/model/blogger with a certain designer bag like a Celine luggage tote; this bag is very popular so the factories follow the old demand/supply rule, and create better copies of this bag as opposed to a Fendi Baguette which is not as in demand. So basically when shopping for a replica set your sights on a popular model since those tend to be more well done as opposed to the lesser known bags.
This is a good way to decide which handbag to buy fake vs. which to buy real – the models which are less well known are usually better to buy as authentic to maintain the beauty of the original design. However on the other hand I would never buy an authentic Neverfull since the replica ones are so well done, and I’d really be wasting my money.
Can replicas really be THAT good?
Those glances – yes you know what I am talking about – those negative glances that give that vibe of “oh that is a fake; she can’t afford that; who is she kidding” from strangers is every replica buyers nightmare. Now when you are new to buying replica handbags these thoughts and worries increase tenfold. Darlings, after many years of saving thousands, and gathering a big collection of bad, decent, good, and excellent copies of designer handbags I think it is safe to say that your worries can be valid depending on where you shop. Yes that is the key – some replica sellers sell poor excuses for bags, while others sell bags which cannot be told from the original unless rulers, and authentication numbers are brought in – these are the types of replicas I like to go for.
As someone who has many friends who are quite fashion conscious, I have been exposed to a lot of designer goods, so my eye is a bit more discerning than your average Joe, and I can honestly say that the increasing quality of replica handbags continues to pleasantly surprise me and my wallet as they are becoming darn good – depending where you shop of course!
What should I buy first?
If it is your first time dipping into the dark, yet dazzling world of replicas I would suggest you go for a small item such as a wallet. This is an inexpensive, and easy way to test the waters of a seller you are considering to buy from. You can get a glimpse of their leather quality, stitching quality, logo placement, accuracy etc. without spending too much money. Once you receive your first order, you can make a good judgement and decide whether the vendor deserves any more of your time or money, and make a decision about their quality!
What quality should I look for?
Replica handbags are like any other knockoffs in that every knockoff is not equal. There is the good, the bad, and the ugly. There are many A’s and +’s involved when looking for replicas online so it really becomes quite confusing to decode what a seller is trying to sell you, but after many years of interacting with Chinese sellers I have a pretty good understanding of their labels. This is the quality grade as per my knowledge:
AAA+: The typical market replica copy; the quality is so so; in my experience it is good enough to fool many, but lacks that lux feel of the original copies you buy from the brands.
AAAAA: This is the same as 1:1
One to One: This is the same as counter quality.
Original Leather: This is the same as counter quality.
Counter Quality: This is the “good stuff” as one would put it if they were discussing drugs – counter quality replicas are what Chinese sellers consider the best replicas in that they are apparently good enough to be placed on the counter at an authentic store, and this relates to both craftsmanship and leather quality.
So after reading that list I am sure you have come to same conclusion as myself – there are way too many labels for the same thing! I have also ready many other descriptions like “seven stars” etc. but I find those labels deceptive, and it is usually always a good idea to ask the seller what the standard is in terms of the letter “A” to get a good idea of its quality.
Another thing to remember, especially when it is your first time buying replicas is that many, if not most, sellers lie about their quality. This really sucks for us as buyers because we go in with honest hearts usually, and it always sucks to be scammed. This is where the reviews come in, and trial and error play a large part of this, but once you find a good source, it is best to stick with them and establish a relationship to make sure you always get the good stuff! The more friendly you are with them, the more care they usually put into your order!
So there it is folks – these are my key tips for any first time buyers. Feel free to email me with any questions, or concerns, and also feel free to email any additional tips you think I should add to this list.