Most people who have ever thought of shopping for replicas have most likely heard of Pursevalley and their sister company Perfect Watches. They were a notorious company, and have been up for practically forever – I mean I have been shopping for replicas for over ten years and have seen their sites up since the beginning when I first dipped my toes into replica bags. […]
Another Disappointed Customer from (Email Review)
Hey guys I got this email recently and wanted to share with everyone another disappointed customer from Pursevalley. They advertise everywhere so it is hard for people not to see them when buying replicas or thinking of buying replicas but the more we can spread the word about their shady business the better. Here is the email I received with photos to follow: Dear pursequeen, […]
Website Review: PurseValley and Poshmoda Shopping Experiences
UPDATED: This is an old post which is being updated to reflect new information! The post was first published in 2012. I just wanted to let everyone know that it has been confirmed that Poshmoda and Pursevalley are connected so if you are wary of one you should be wary of the other! Feel free to share your experiences (good and bad) below shopping through […]
PurseValley Review on Prada Saffiano Tote – Negative Shopping Experiences
Hey guys! So I just wanted to do a quick review on Pursevalley which is one of the most advertised replica handbag sites out there! Who is it mostly reviewed and fetted by? Evan Knox and her similar cronies (e.g. Hannah Handbags is also owned by Eva Knox who owns Pursevalley). Anyways I personally wouldn’t really care about the fact that Eva Knox owns Pursevalley […]
PurseValley = SpotBags = Scam
Hey guys here’s a quick review about Pursevalley a reader sent in: Wish I had seen all the negative reviews about pursevalley before I made a $650 purchase. First of all, their shipping is horrible – it has been almost a month since I placed an order. I ordered stuff for an event coming soon and it’s taking forever to ship out to me. I […]